Work with Teams, Leaders and Organisations
‘Resilience is located between people, not just within people’
Work with Teams
We recognise that team culture, effectiveness and relationships are amongst the most powerful predictors of an individual’s health, performance and experience at work. We offer structured team assessments, which measure teams against defined processes which characterise effective team functioning. We offer recommendations informed by the results of these assessments, which aim to embed the core psychosocial conditions in teams that people need to thrive at work.
When a specific difficulty is identified within a team, our recommendations are guided by a formulation. A ‘team formulation’ refers to a theoretically grounded way of understanding a team’s difficulty. A formulation draws on psychological science to identify factors which are maintaining the difficulty. Recommendations and intervention plans can then be more precisely targeted.
Formulation Driven
Consultancy with Leaders
Presentations and training programmes
We offer a variety of training programmes and presentations, which draw on psychological science and models of human motivation to enhance factors that can protect people and teams from the occupational hazards associated with their work.
The role of leaders is particularly significant if a team or organisation is to embed the core conditions people need to thrive at work. Project Aristotle at Google found that Psychological Safety is critical to making a team work - and leadership behaviour is the most prominent factor in promoting psychological safety in a team. We draw on evidence-based psychological models in our work with leaders to optimise health and performance in people, teams and systems at work.
Services Following High Impact Events at Work
We offer facilitated forums for colleagues to come together following exposure to high impact events at work. These events might include acutely stressful periods, exposure to distressing events at work, or the death of a colleague. These forums provide opportunities for shared reflection, enhancing the protective functions of social support at work and provide information on common reactions after high impact events.
Return on Investment
£5 - The amount employers get back for every £1 invested on supporting their people’s psychological health (Deloitte)
29% - The increase in financial return when a team has clarity and commitment to team objectives*
23% - The increase in economic return provided by higher performing teams*
*(references available upon request)